Things I worried about yesterday

Ok, so I shouldn’t be trusting my brain and emotions at this point.  I have not slept enough, or drank water and I have consumed enough coffee to power South Africa during a blackout – but my brain was so so worried about things. Weird things.

Here are the random collection of concerns that ran across my mind. Do other people ever worry about this stuff. I’m starting to think that I want a brain transfusion.

  1. Are women too gentle and non-assertive in meetings, and does this sense of compassion hinder or help overall business objectives.
  2. Why are people in power inconsistent in what they say they believe and what they do. Am I that inconsistent, and how often do I do this?
  3. Does it matter if you down all your water in a day or should you drink evenly throughout the day. If its equal amounts, surely it doesn’t matter.
  4. How do you explain to someone they don’t understand the concept entirely without hurting their ego or diminishing their buy-in.
  5.  Do you get less intelligent around people who are (factually) less intelligent than you over time.
  6. Are younger people too idealistic; or have older people allowed ideals to erode over time – making societies fiber lessen over time
  7. Is the best philosophy in business and life ‘simplicity’, or is this in and of itself too simple
  8. If your convictions are completely ingrained in you, even if they are wrong, will that be enough for you to succeed.
  9. Why do people glorify extended hours of working, and who are the smart people who got us to buy in to that idea
  10. Could I make money from finding upcoming bands
  11. Does utter transparency on all matters in social relationships better trust and depth of that relationship(s)
  12. What % of the global population over-inflate their sense of self and what % of the global population under-estimate their sense of self
  13. When should trust your gut feeling and when should you critically think
  14. Is working with friends and family as bad as it is made to sound
  15. Can you re-wire your body to cope on less sleep over time, or is a persons genetic make up wired to need a certain amount
  16. Is Tinder, a smart way to date
  17. When you date someone – should you not be wholly complete and not try and find completeness in someone else
  18. Why are we scared of people so much
  19. Are anti-materialists just finding social status and admiration in another way

Just to clear one thing up. I didn’t actively resolve any one of these questions. I just pushed them to the back of my mind.